Introducing “Tech of the Week”

Each week, starting this coming week, I’m going to delve into a different thing related to the Web or software development. I’ll write about the experience of using or learning it, and provide links where you can learn more. Often it will be a programming language or framework. Sometimes it might be a technique (such as refactoring) or methodology.

The first one will be CSS. Hopefully a week or so of studying and playing with it will improve my own CSS skills. In any case, we’ll know in a week. Look for that here around the 1st of February. If you want to be notified, you can follow me on Twitter.

Update: Yeah, this weekly thing didn’t happen. I was intending the “tech of the week” thing to be a side project, but it turned out the first (and only) Tech of the Week took me about.. a week. I’ve written some other technical blog posts since then, but they likely won’t be on a regular schedule or to have a catchy series title anymore, unless I can figure out a way to make a living off it.